Tips to Stop Dog Barking

Barking is a natural function for a dog and a dog is only doing what is normal for any dog to do when it barks. However when a dog lives with humans we do not always appreciate barking in certain circumstances or non-stop barking. Barking while playing or when strangers appear are perfectly acceptable behaviours in most circumstances. To prevent excessive or nuisance barking you need to train your dog as to what you appreciate and what you do not want him to do.

Start by commanding your dog to stop barking when you tell him. If he will not stop barking when you tell him to, then make a loud noise to distract him. If he stops barking when told to, always reward him for his quiet behaviour.

You can scream first time accessing your dog to "stop barking" or "shut up", in fact it's actually lead to more barking. Your dog is getting attention when he barks, and find dogs that pay better than shock collars at all. 's are painful and can really get your dog more aggressive with the person or another dog barking. careful not to give your dog barking immediately positive, saying "good dog" when I finally called him 10 times.

What works then to stop your dog from barking?

The most important way to start is back to the basics of dog training and teach your dog to come when called. Start when you almost guarantee that your dog will not come when they bark. All over again, with no other distractions, and try to use as a positive reward. Always make sure that never positive reward whenever the dog comes when called, was a bad thing. If your dog runs after barking neighbor, and will not be called to come and meet him first. Want to put in place, every time you call, only then is rewarded with positive attention, petting and a treat.

The next step in the use of training to stop barking is to call your dog to come when they bark. When he comes, positive attention and pleasure, you want the pet, reducing their anxiety decreased adrenaline that part of the cause of the barking. Keep renting only the model of the call, give a treat and pet him whenever always stop barking.

Keep your dog away from the places where he barks- in other words set him up for success. If your dog constantly barks when you leave him outside, then avoid these triggers by keeping him inside, especially while you are retraining. If the barking is in response to your doorbell, then remove the doorbell. Make it a priority to never let your dog bark constantly while being outside, and if the come when called command isn't working, immediately bring your dog inside.

Adequate exercise is one of the big keys to resolving many canine behavioral problems; this gives your dog a purpose, and allows them to better regulate their own emotions. Incorporate the come when called training command while walking, and make it a priority to exercise your dog for at least 30 minutes twice a day. Have them retrieve or run as this elevated heart rate helps produce the calming, sedating hormones that can lead to less barking.

Important Steps in Successful Dog Training

Whether you have had a dog for a couple of years or just got a new puppy, perhaps the most important thing you can do with him is to train him properly. Dogs need to have the guidance that comes along with proper training to help them not only lead a successful life but to be a good companion to you and your family. There are some important steps to successful dog training that you should follow if you want both you and your dog to enjoy a happy relationship with one another.
Learning the technique of association is very important to your dog. Keep in mind that the dog does not really understand the word or words that you are saying when you give a command. He is performing the behavior he has learned to associate with that command. Once he understands what type of behavior is expected from each command, he will follow it regularly.
Another important aspect of the training is learning about consistency. Commands and the expectations of your pet should be the same from everyone in your household. Your dog will become very frustrated if one thing is expected from you and something else is expected from someone else in the house for the same command.
When training the dog, everyone in the house needs to participate and follow the same guidelines. If it is possible, arrange for the whole family to go to training classes with the dog. This will keep all the commands, expectations and corrections identical across the board, making it easier for you and your pet.
You also have to keep all the rules of the house consistent. There is no point in one person keeping the dog off the furniture or the bed if someone else is just going to let him up there. It can be confusing for your pet and he will not understand why he is being scolded for something someone else said is okay.
Training also involves a great deal of repetition. Some dogs learn commands and behaviors faster than others. That is just the way it is. Sometimes it will take many repetitions before the dog will make the association to the behavior that is expected. Just be patient and be prepared to do a lot of repeating. The dog wants to please you and will catch on to your expectations.
You also need to keep in mind that training is a continual process. If you want your dog to maintain good behavior throughout his life, you need to reinforce the training. An obedient dog is the one who is being trained and reminded throughout his life so he always knows what is expected of him.
Taking these steps can help you lead to successful dog training for your pet. He will develop into a loving well-behaved pet whether he is in the home or out for a walk. Both of you will be more relaxed at ease if you always know what the expectations and guidelines are and stay consistent in your approach.
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The 5 Stages of Successful Dog Training

Puppies and dogs learn by association, consistency and repetition. To acquire the appropriate association, it is up to you, to make it as simple as possible for your dog to make the connection of what you are commanding and the expected behavior.
Keep training sessions short, interesting and fun. End them, while your dog is fully engaged. You want them to look forward to "playing school," and not run and hide under the bed when it's time to do homework!
Stage 1 -Association/Acquisition
For you dog to follow your command, they must first acquire a sense of what behavior you expect. To do that, they must associate the expected behavior to the command. The word or words mean nothing to them, until you demonstrate the expected association to that command.
To put yourself in your dog's place, imagine you are in a foreign country, and you have no experience with that language. You need to find a restroom, so what do you do? Somehow, you have to communicate that need, in a civilized manner, so you have to find the simplest way to express it. The same hold true for your puppy or dog... keep it simple, so they can acquire the association.
Stage 2 - Consistency
There is nothing more frustrating or confusing for your dog, than inconsistency. If you, and everyone in your home, are inconsistent with commands and expectations, your dog will never acquire the correct association for following commands, or well-mannered behavior.
Consistency simplifies training, be it obedience or behavior. When everyone living and working with the dog is consistent with commands and expectations, your dog will acquire the association faster, and respond appropriately.
When possible, the entire family should attend the training classes. This helps to keep things consistent when learning commands and corrections. Your dog will appreciate that!
Note: not only should commands and corrections be consistent; the rules of the house should also be constant. If one person allows the puppy or dog on the bed or couch, and the rules is no pets on the furniture, it confuses the animal.
Stage 3 - Repetition
Be prepared to repeat yourself as many times as it takes! Not all dogs learn at the same pace. Some catch on faster than others. The key to learning associations is consistent repetition. Once your dog has a grasp on the expected behavior, you can make learning more interesting, and raise the bar. Challenge their mind! Keep it fun!
Nearly all dogs want to please their owner. To get more out of your dog, challenge their minds by expanding and varying commands. However, do not expand and vary the repetitions, until your dog responds appropriately to the simple command at least 90% of the time. That is a fair assessment that your dog comprehends what is expected.
Stage 4 - Reinforcement
Rather than giving a command over and over again verbally, which only becomes "blah, blah, blah" to your dog. Reinforce your command with a physical gesture, a bit like sign language.
Watching and responding to your hand commands not only keeps your dog focused on you, it reinforces the behavior you are expecting, without boring your dog to tears. Your friends will be so impressed!
Stage 5 - Maintenance
Dog training is a labor of love. Like fees and taxes it never ends. All too often, people enroll their puppy or dog in one training class when they are young, and expect it to last a lifetime. It doesn't!
Maintenance is the final stage. Think of maintenance as the CEU (Continuing Education Units) of dog training. The most well-behaved dogs are the ones that learn to respect boundaries and interact positively with people and other animals, on an on-going basis. Most people find by maintaining and expanding their pet's training all through their lifetime, their dog stays attentive and sharp. Occasionally they are even pleasantly surprised by their dog's capacity to learn something new, even as they get older. Old dogs can learn new tricks!
Work your dog for a few minutes daily. Work training into their daily routine, and you've doubled the training time. The more time you invest, the greater your return.
Periodically, sign up for a refresher or more advanced course of positive reinforcement, punishment-free obedience or even agility training. You and your dog will not only enjoy the time shared together, as a team, you will tackle new challenges.
Bottom line: If you keep in mind the 5 stages of dog training, Acquisition, Consistency, Repetition, Reinforcement and Maintenance, you should have no problem finding within your puppy or dog, the well-mannered, well-behaved canine best friend you've always wanted.

Dog Training Tips Anyone Can Apply

Dog Training Tips
If you're looking for some good dog training tips, then you have reached your destination. Before we get into some cool dog training tips, you should first understand what your dog actually needs from you in a training situation and then learn how to give it to them. Most dog owners make the false assumption that a dog is much smarter than it actually is. In reality, a dog simply reacts to you. It wants to be part of the pack and it wants to be accepted, but it's still an animal with animal instincts.
So, I say if you want to change any negative behaviors, the absolute best way to approach your dog is NOT to scold them or yell at them, but to focus on changing how they express those instincts.
Core Dog Training Tips
There are a few basic things that every dog owner should consider when training their furry friend. These tasks can make dog training so much easier, I'm not lying.
Crate Training - Crate training provides your dog with a home that it can call its own. Also, try to remember this, a crate should never be used as a punishment. Make sure to spend time at home with your dog in the crate so he can get used to it. As most dog training tips will tell you, a crate can make house breaking, bark reduction, and anxiety issues much better.
Leash Training - I know what you're thinking, dogs and leashes do not go together well. And I'm here to say you're wrong. The most important thing you can do is teach them to reach a controlled, calm state and NOT forcing the leash on them. This controlled state will allow them to respond to your commands without getting too excited(or frightened) about the upcoming walk. Most dogs with leash issues are simply allowed to run around outside and pull. If your dog pulls on the leash, make them sit and wait by your side before walking again. In short order, they will associate that pulling sensation with the stop of their walk.
The Alpha Position - Ah, this. Surprisingly, the most important dog training tips relate to the position you hold in the house, yet most dog owners don't even know this. Despite what most people think, dog training is not the burden of your dog. He doesn't know what you want and doesn't generally understand what you're saying(he is a dog after all). It is on you to teach your dog that YOU are pack leader and YOU have control of the situation. They can then relax, follow your commands and stop worrying about who will protect them.
Obedience Training - Another dog training tip you'll get can come from an obedience class. These classes teach new dog owners how to maintain the alpha leadership position in their household, display control over their new pup and give them specific, strong commands. If you have a new puppy or are simply having trouble controlling your older dog, consider an obedience class to supplement your home training.
The Importance of Consistency
The one thing that all dog training tips have in common is the need for consistency. It's so simple yet is's always overlooked. Much of what dogs learn is in response to a repeated, consistent environment. If you only make them sit before going out when you have time for it, they will get confused and excited and stop following your commands. If you set a rule, be consistent with it and ensure everyone in your home does the same. Good dog training can actually be harder for you than your dog, but it is almost always well worth it.
Had enough? Want more? Visit to get your FREE copy of "The Alpha Dog Training Report" and more!

Top 5 Dog Training Tips

Your approach to dog training has a big impact on the actual training results that you will get. As long as you have the right mindset about dog training, you can be sure that your puppy will grow into a well-mannered dog that you can be proud of. Aside from having the right mindset, you would also do well to follow the most useful tips and tricks of dog training. Here are the top five dog training tips that will help you mould your dog into a positive addition to your family.
1. Show your dog that you are the pack leader.
Dogs are pack animals and naturally look to their pack leader for guidance. Therefore, you will have to establish your role as pack leader in order to gain control over your dog's behaviour. Pack leaders normally control the food supply, so a good way to establish leadership would be to always feed your dog only AFTER you have eaten. You should also set a feeding schedule and stick to it.
2. Use positive reinforcement.
Dogs respond best to positive reinforcement. One of the best ways to ensure success in dog training is to reward good behaviour and ignore unwanted behaviour. This will encourage your dog to repeat those behaviours that earn him praises and treats, and refrain from exhibiting behaviours that get him nothing in return. Be careful not to use punishment in training your dog, as this will only alienate him and make him regard you as an adversary. Rewards and positive reinforcement not only help ensure success in dog training, but also helps strengthen your bond with your dog.
3. Set realistic goals.
You can't ensure the success of your training unless you have a concrete goal to start with. Of course, you will have to keep your goals realistic; otherwise, you will just be setting yourself up for failure. For example, it is okay to expect your dog to master the "sit" command in two to three days, but you can't expect him to jump through hoops within the same timeframe.
4. Learn proper timing.
Proper timing can spell the difference between success and failure, where dog training is concerned. When you see your dog sniffing and circling around, immediately give a firm NO and then lead him to the designated elimination area. If you wait until he has done his business before scolding him, he won't understand that he is not supposed to make a mess inside the house. In the same way, you should praise your dog or give him a treat the very moment he exhibits a good behaviour. This will make him understand that he has just done something that pleases you.
5. Be patient and consistent.
Stay calm even when your dog makes mistakes. Yelling and showing impatience will get you nowhere. Give your dog enough time to learn each command, and always use the same words and hand signals when you give these commands. Consistency and patience are the keys to successful dog training.
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The Importance of Dog Training

Dog training is an important aspect of owning and raising a dog. However many people do not fully understand the importance of dog training. It is not meant to turn your dog into some kind of robot who follows commands accurately and mindlessly. It is also not aimed to make your puppy into a show dog that can do tricks to amuse your friends. Dog training is all about making the bond between you and your dog stronger. It is about teaching your dog the basic rules to make him a safer pet as well as a pleasant companion.
Dog training is not about subduing your dog to follow your every whim; it is about communication. Regardless of your purpose for owning a dog, whether it is for company or for protection, you should train your dog so that you will not have any behavioral problems with it in the future. Dog training will turn your frisky puppy to a more docile dog that will obey your command and stay away from trouble.
Dog training is highly recommended regardless of your lifestyle or the breed of your dog. It is also recommended to start training your dog while still a puppy. This is because older dogs are more difficult to train. Sometimes, different dog breeds may require different dog training techniques. For instance, you can't use the same technique to train a large Great Dane and tiny Chihuahua.
Simple dog training starts with obedience training. First, your puppy must recognize his name and be responding to it every time you call it out. You can then start to train him to come to you whenever you call him. Use the verbal commands come and here when you are calling him. Then you can start introducing some other techniques such as the sit command. You should start with the simple commands first and gradually advance to more complicated commands.
The importance of dog is to you're your dog a disciplined and docile companion who can follow simple commands and keep away from trouble such as destroying your neighbors flower patch. Also, the goal of dog training is to make your dog safer, not only to you and your family, but also to everyone in your neighborhood. This is especially important if you have a large dog that can be capable of damage or injury. A trained dog will simply not run off to chase a cat and will not be aggressive to other pets, children and adults.
Dog training is not easy. You have to possess patience and perseverance to be always consistent in your commands so that your dog will learn faster and more effectively. You should also respect your dog. Remember that you chose him and he didn't choose you. You should treat him right in the first place, because if you don't you will end up with an unhappy dog who will likely run away from you and be quite difficult to train.
If you are truly determined to train your dog personally, you can find a lot of resource material on dog training in many books, manuals, pamphlets and others. It may be helpful to get some information about dog training even before you get a puppy. Sometimes pet shops will offer dog obedience training either for free or for a fee. Just make sure that it is attuned to the requirements of your dogs breed. You can also hire a professional dog trainer to assist you in training your beloved pet.
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